The renowned soap opera “Muvhango” on SABC2 has finally announced its comeback for its 27th season, which will premiere on August 5, following much expectation and discussion.
According to Daily Sun, the statement was made on July 25 at a launch event held at Chartwell in Johannesburg, effectively crushing suspicions that the popular program was going to be cancelled. The executive producer, Duma Ka Ndlovu, disclosed that the forthcoming season will feature major modifications in order to appeal to a younger, more popular audience.
The national broadcaster replayed previous episodes of the soap opera until its final episode aired on July 2nd, during which time discussions for contracts with Duma’s production firm were taking place.
According to a source close to the soapie, the SABC was dissatisfied with the Muvhango storyline, and Duma was no longer interested in the soapie due to his long-term contracts with Mzansi Magic.
However, the decision to revive the soap opera was motivated by fan complaints and the fact that the time slot was still generating viewing and advertising money. “Even old seasons that were replayed after the last episode was aired were still bringing in numbers,” the person said.
In addition to a new logo and title, “Muvhango” will reintroduce old faces like as Lebo Tisane, Wiseman Zitha, and the legendary Leleti Khumalo, who will join the show, bringing new energy to the tale.